Deadline to submit an abstract is March 25, 2025
All posters must be submitted by April 9, 2025
Submission Instructions
Conflict of Interest (COI) Form:
Each person listed on any project submitted for the event must fill out and turn in a copy of the COI form. Forms should be turned in to your institution's Nursing Research on the Green representative, or may be sent via email to
If you have not yet filled out and turned in a copy of the COI form, it is available for download here:
Eligibility Criteria
Completed, works-in-progress, and previously presented/published studies and projects (within the past 3 calendar years [2020 to date]) are welcome for Poster and Research Corner submission.
Poster Only Submissions: All in-progress and completed project abstracts will be accepted for poster presentation.
Poster and Research Corner Submissions: Abstracts also submitted for Research Corner presentations will be reserved preferentially for projects with completed results.
NOTE: Abstracts submitted for Research Corner consideration must be requested in the Abstract Submission Form.
Abstracts may be submitted to one of the following three categories: Research, Evidence-Based Practice, or Quality Improvement/Program Evaluation.
Late submissions will not be accepted. Abstract submission due date is March 22nd, 2024 by 11:59 pm Central Time.
Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present if accepted.
Students: Please have your abstract and poster reviewed and approved by one of your academic nursing faculty.
Non-students: We strongly encourage you to have your abstract and poster reviewed by a nursing colleague for critique and feedback.
Abstract Submission Process
Use the NROTG Abstract Submission Form and follow all instructions to upload your abstract according to the category that applies to your abstract:
Abstract Category: Research
Research - Generation of new knowledge using a quantitative or qualitative design about relevant phenomena, topics, and practice settings. Note: concept analyses, methodology papers, and systematic reviews will be evaluated according to research abstract criteria.
Abstract submissions must abide by the following:
Minimum of 300 - maximum of 550 words (or approx. 3500 characters; excludes title and references). Please use spellcheck/Editor and word-count prior to your final submission.
Contains no personal or organizational identifiers (abstracts with identifiers will be disqualified and ineligible for selection).
Organize and label the body of your Research abstract according to the following headings/components*:
Background/Significance: Description of the problem or phenomena, and significance (why this research is important).
Purpose/Aim: Research question(s), specific aim(s)/objective(s), and hypothesis (if appropriate).
Methods: Theoretical framework (if applicable), study design and methods, including a description of setting, sample description and N-size, procedures, instruments/measures, and statistical/data analysis.
Results: Specific results/findings in summary form. Use appropriate statistics.
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Major findings are presented with interpretation and implications for clinical practice, contribution to the body of knowledge, state of the science, and/or recommendations for future directions in research or application to practice.
Abstract Category: Evidenced-Based Practice (EBP)
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) - Translation of evidence into practice (practice change). Note: Case studies and literature reviews will be evaluated according to EBP abstract criteria.
Abstract submissions must abide by the following:
Minimum of 300 - maximum of 550 words (or approx. 3500 characters; excludes title and references). Please use spellcheck/Editor and word-count prior to your final submission.
Contains no personal or organizational identifiers (abstracts with identifiers will be disqualified and ineligible for selection).
Organize and label the body of your EBP abstract according to the following headings/components*:
Background/Significance: Summary of the issue(s), problem(s), or specific clinical challenges or controversy, with relevant background and related-contextual information. Include evidence synthesis and strength of the evidence that supports the project/initiative.
Purpose/EBP Question: Purpose statement and searchable PICO(T) question specific to the project/initiative.
Implementation Plan/Methods: Description of the project/initiative’s recommended practice change, clinical intervention(s), criteria/plan used to guide evaluation of change. Include implementation strategies to describe how the changes were made.
NOTE: if this section is “In Progress,” briefly describe what the implementation plan, and intervention(s) or methods are.
Results/Outcomes: Brief description of the findings/outcomes of practice change or the findings of interventions. Use descriptive statistics if applicable.
NOTE: if this section is “In Progress,” briefly state how your evaluation/testing/etc. will be applied. If partially complete, state the results/outcomes.
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Brief description of lessons learned, dissemination plan, and next steps (e.g., sustainability plan).
NOTE: if this section is in complete, state “In Progress.” If partially complete, discuss these conclusions and mention what information is pending.
Abstract Category: Quality Improvement (QI)/Program Evaluation
Quality Improvement (QI)/Program Evaluation - Implementation of approved process(es) and performance methods or techniques to improve, and measure changes in access, equity, safety, quality, effectiveness, timeliness, patient-centered approaches, cost, and/or efficiency in healthcare.
Abstract submissions must abide by the following:
Minimum of 300 - maximum of 550 words (or approx. 3500 characters; excludes title and references). Please use spellcheck/Editor and word-count prior to your final submission.
Contains no personal or organizational identifiers (abstracts with identifiers will be disqualified and ineligible for selection).
Organize the body and labels of your QI/Program Evaluation abstract to include the following headings/components*:
Background/Significance: Statement of the problem; evidence synthesis and strength of the evidence that supports the project/initiative.
Purpose/Goal: Goal or purpose statement for the project/initiative.
Implementation Plan/Methodology: Briefly describe use of quality improvement method(s) (e.g., Lean, root cause analysis, PDCA/PDSA, process mapping, Six Sigma, performance benchmarking) with specific and measurable goals or outcomes. Define the "who, what, when, where and how" of project implementation. Briefly describe the instruments/measures, data collection procedures, and evaluation/data analysis plan.
Results/Outcomes: Description of measurable outcomes. Provide descriptive statistics if applicable.
NOTE: if this section is “In Progress,” briefly state how you plan to measure outcome(s). If partially complete, state the results/outcomes.
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Overview of how the project/initiative impacts clinical practice, systems, cost, and/or delivery of care. Discuss lessons learned and future plans (e.g., expansion or revision of project/initiative).
NOTE: if this section is in complete, state “In Progress.” If partially complete, discuss these conclusions and mention what implications are pending.
All abstract format organization, headings and content were adapted from:
UCLA Health. (n.d.). Abstract Submission Formats. Retrieved December 17, 2021, from